Part of the B K Birla conglomerate, Jay Shree Tea & Industries Ltd has been planters of tea since 1945. With over 19 estates across all tea growing regions in India and East Africa, Jay Shree Tea is one of the largest producers of tea in the world and one of the leading exporters of tea in India.

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Roasted Darjeeling Tea
Organic Darjeeling Green Tea
Puttabong Organic Darjeeling Black Tea
Darjeeling Summer Tea
Assam Earl Grey
Darjeeling Green Tea
Green Tea Natural ginger favour
Green Tea Natural HONEY favour
Green Tea Natural lemon favour
Assam Tea
Green Tea
Masala Chai
Masala Chai
Assam Prime CTC
Assam Premium CTC
Assam Luxury CTC
Darjeeling Aromatic Leaf Tea
Darjeeling First Flush Tea
Darjeeling Second Flush Tea